Wednesday, 31 March 2010


Life is changing so rapidly around me lately that I find it hard to keep up sometimes. I feel like everythings settled and relaxed and then every now and then one thing happens that makes me realise things are different to how I thought they were. It's not anything big or bad, just little comfy things that I'd gotten used to have changed. I guess I haven't really settled into the flat or neighbourhood properly yet (though decorating, church and work are helping with that), but Geoff and me haven't fully set up all our little routines yet. We're still trying things out.

I've started my new job and am in training, but I haven't gone into my team yet and going downstairs and actually doing the job I'm finding unsettling. I'm finding the changes we're making around the home a bit unsettling as although in a right necesary, I'd gotten used to the flat in it's decrepit state while being here all day for 10 weeks solid. I'm really glad that we are doing it up, and it does feel more like ours for doing it, which is comforting, but the same time, unsettling.

I'm finding it frustrating that even though a full 3 months after my operation I'm still not near full fitness.

I'm trying to diet, and although I'm pleased my bodys changing it's just another thing thats changing.

There are so many other things going on too some of which are far more serious and I just don't know where it's all going.

It's just dawned on me that I'm feeling unsettled because I'm placing my faith in the wrong place again. I'm a banana.

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